

Circle with Women Who Get You

Yearning for a community of like minded moms?
Want a safe place to ask questions about your Childbearing Journey?
HEar stories of Inspiring Home/Free/Joygasmic Births?
Be Listened to compassionately in your highs and lows?
Get access to a highly trained group of Alternative practitioners?

Below are the guidelines that we ask all women to agree to before joining so we have a clear container to all feel safe sharing in.

This is a support group focussed on physical, mental and spiritual issues in pregnancy, birth preparation and mothering for women who are wanting births that fall within the realm of:

  • Home birth,
  • physiological birth,
  • autonomous birth,
  • joygasmic birth,
  • orgasmic birth,
  • free birth, or
  • traditional midwife supported birth.

In our regular attendees we have women who are:

  • herbalists, wise women, traditional birthkeepers, women trained by Gloria Lemay, ex-midwives, ex-doulas
  • moms of homebirthed and freebirthed babes, (and a few who chose medwifes for their own reasons and/or got caught in the cascade of interventions),
  • energy healers, massage therapists, chiropractors and naturopaths,
  • Homeschoolers, unschoolers, and a few normal schoolers too,
  • superfood lovers, medicinal mushroom microdosers, cannabis advocates, bone broth lovers and vegans, 
  • cloth diaper mamas, placenta encapsulators and eaters, baby wearing and Elimination Communication consultants and experienced moms
  • pre-conception women, pregnant women, postpartum women, mothers of pre-teens/teens

Our main goal is to provide a safe, loving, supportive space to share wise woman wisdom as we Claim Back our power as Birthing women.

Generally the women who show up here are into:

  • Healthy whole food eating, (healthy eating may mean plant based to one person, it may mean bone broth & raw milk to another person. This is OKAY!)
  • Spiritual development, yoga, meditation, (Christian/Hindu/Buddhist/Pegan, doesn't matter to us as long as you are okay with sharing space with others beliefs)
  • Autonomous/sovereign/physiological birth practices,
  • Being evolutionary/conscious mothers,
  • Doing the inner shadow work to stop intergenerational trauma

I have had the groups covid vaccine standpoint come up as a question. It’s kind of funny actually because we’re meeting up digitally, so I didn’t think it was particularly an issue. Last I heard you can’t catch germs through the internet. 😉  

The group will not be a good fit for women who think mandatory/nonconsensual/coercive c-sections, epidurals, induction or vaccination are a fabulous or necessary choice that should be loyally adhered to or pushed on others. 

I do understand the world is polarized in a really challenging way right now and I ask that members of the group keep their eye on the focus of supporting each other as mothers regardless of the choices we make about our bodies and vaccines. 

Mostly our group just talks about pregnancy stuff like we might’ve in 2018. You know before all the other stuff happened. We don't talk about vaccines or covid much and we'd like to keep it that way. 

We can hold different viewpoints and desires without asking everyone to be just like us.  Focusing on our similarities makes us stronger.

For example last year we had a mom who was planning on free birthing and another mom who already had a free birth but was choosing midwife support this time around. They were able to share space and co-support each other without needing to challenge each other’s viewpoints. I personally had fears within myself for both of them based on what I heard in conversation.  I did my own shadow work around trying to control other people’s lives/outcomes and let them prepare how they wanted.  When it came time to birth I let go and put full trust in them to manage their own births in ways that worked for them. They were both happy with their birth outcomes, and I learned to let go a little more. The entire experience was nourishing and supportive for all of us.

The primary focus is on self responsibility, shadow work, and extracting ourselves from medical patriarchy as it shows up in the birth world. Everybody’s interpretation of that is going to be a little bit different.  

Sound good so far?

Use the form below to apply to join the group. Then you will get info on joining the chat and calls. 

#MeToo Stories
Can we publish your story?
Display My Name As:
Do you feel you need further support to come to a place of peace about this?
Would you like information about how I can help?

We are here to support each other.

Frequently Asked Questions

When is the call?

The group meets every Monday from 1:00-2:30pm MST on zoom.

Two weeks a month we have "expert talks", or women share their birth stories. One week a month Elena offers teachings from the Joygasm body of work, I generally record these sessions. 

The other week we have a "what's challenging/celebrating" checkin chat where it's more informal and we get to know eachother better. These are generally not recorded.

What does it cost?

The Wyld Mama Membership is run by donation, with people paying what they can on a sliding scale $5-150 a month, sharing testimonials about their experiences or giving guest talks about subjects they're passionate or knowledgeable about.

Giving a donation or sharing a talk gets you access to a growing library of online courses and embodiment practices that I have put together, and recordings of past workshops. We think it's a great value.

Can I listen to recordings instead?

Many of our "expert talks" are recorded and available to members who have donated.

Depending on the teachers preferences and financial model I sometimes share recordings on The Joygasmic Life podcast and YouTube channel (along with a ton of other Elena content bits).

Philosophy of Care

What about Circumcision?

Elena (the founder of the group) is definitely anti circumcision and will speak up if someone is considering circumcision for their baby.  She also respects personal privacy and will not ask you about your son or partner's penis' unless you bring it up first. 😉

She also loves men who have been circumcised, they are human beings too and deserve our compassion for the horrible un-consensual mutilation done to their penis' and by extension their central nervous system.

If you're personally on the fence, check out or listen to this podcast with a 60 year old anti-circumcision activist.  It's boner chilling.  Your son (and his future sexual partners) deserve access to the full pleasure designed into our nervous system.  

At the very least they should be allowed to make the choice themselves when they can think about it. 

What about Induction?

The space holders of the group believe that babies choose their own time of arrival and that many of western medicine's tests (including the pregnancy test, check out my podcast about it here) are designed to strip women of their connection to intuitive knowledge and power.  

While Elena chose a completely Wild Pregnancy and birth for her 2nd pregnancy, some of our moms engage with some form of western medical "diagnosis" or "care" in their pregnancies.  Some start their pregnancies with OB's or medwives and through finding sisterhood support in our group decide to fire them. This is personal choice.

We generally discourage medical induction (balloon catheter, sweeping of membranes, breaking of waters, pitocin), as well as "natural" induction methods (castor oil, essential oils) in favor of rest, patience, nourishment, hydration, natural oxytocin and letting mother nature do her thing through you.

Again, it's your body and your choice.

What about "Medically Necessary" Emergency c-Sections?

The space holders of the group believe that given time, patience, safety, nourishment and support babies are best brought into the world vaginally and with minimal interference.

Many women come to free birthing because of a past medical trauma birth so if you have had children this way we won't hold it against you. 😉 Instead we would love to hold you, while you find your inner knowing and power. 

There may be a few situations in which c-sections/interventions are a viable option for mom/baby, and we are grateful to be living in a world where if a true medical emergency (a nuchal arm for example) arose most of us have the option of western medicine vs death.

While western allopathic doctors are useful for acute trauma care (ie, car accident, broken bones, a nuchal arm), a lot what is called "medicine" is actually policy/profit/insurance driven and causes a tremendous amount of harm.  For chronic conditions, women's bodies, and birth we prefer to seek out alternative modalities and knowledges that offer love and compassion, look for root causes and offer full recovery. 

You are free to decide your own path.

Join The Next Call

#MeToo Stories
Can we publish your story?
Display My Name As:
Do you feel you need further support to come to a place of peace about this?
Would you like information about how I can help?

How do you actually find time for you?

Somedays the kids drive you crazy! It's the little things we do EVERY DAY that support you or leave you exhausted.  You get angry at them when they fight, complain, or ask for your attention CONSTANTLY.   It feels like it's never ending.  

You know you need to take time for yourself... but when?
How? Video yoga at home with kids around? Ya right!

I hear you. 

Mom Self Care needs to be simple, easy, repeatable and effective.  

That's why I've brought together all the best tools for transformation of psyche that I've encountered, combined with bio-hacking and ancient tantric breath.  Learning joygasmic secrets opens new ways to deal with ancestral trauma. becomes simple as you bio-hack your way  through the nervous system regulation trial that is life as mother.

The 7 Minute Self Love Bootcamp

Put your name and email below to try this challenge and get started with a simple bio hack that saved my life and will radically improve yours. 42 Kisses can save an afternoon or your marriage, teach body positivity or awaken your desire and sustain the courage of mothers through the most challenging vulnerable times of their lives. We need these tools to be great mothers and vibrant women in all areas of our lives.

They push your buttons. Daily. This can help.

Soft Audio Boundaries.  Subconscious Brain Re-Training.   Radical Self Care.

Still here? Maybe you need some background on why I'm sharing this...

As a single parent for many years, I know what it's like to live in daily overwhelm that seems it will never end.

After suffering from severe post-partum depression for 7 years, and an abusive relationship that I couldn't seem to quit, I developed a case of seriously self destructive self talk about being a "horrible mother". I knew I needed to do something different, but couldn't seem to shake old patterns.

I took every personal development class that came my way for 3 years straight.  3 day weekend intensives 3x month. After a while started to experiment with the few things that HAD been working to bring me more peace, and combined them into one power packed (and quick) experience, to help find that inner peace, and make progress towards my goal of ACTUALLY feeling good.

I built the first brain training track after listening to a John Asaraf course.  Things started changing for me in a big way and with these tracks I've been able to stop experiencing irrational anger towards my first child (who I had medical birth bonding trauma).  I'm no longer experiencing mental health challenges, attracted a wonderful man into my life who is a great father to her son so much more I dreamed of.

Now I spend my days writing, baby tending and helping other mothers  manage and reduce their stress, build healthier relationships, stop sounding like their mothers, and live lives they once only dreamed of.

I put the best, worst and naughtiest of it into this epic 444 page memoir to help myself and you recover from the culturally normalized rape that is all to rampant in the world right now.

Choose Your Own Adventure to Heal Your Trauma

Free or choose a donation

Mr. D and the Joygasm Queen

If you've ever loved and lost, you know that in the aftermath of a broken heart, nothing seems worthwhile.  

This book is a vulnerable, raw exploration of the 21st Century shadow of "failed nuclear family" and takes you on a journey to heal your own heart, brain, and body from the pain of feeling alone in a world that doesn't seem to care. 

I offers "what actually worked" for me to heal from the inside out all while traveling the world as a single mom-preneur.