Dear Beloved,

When you think you are one way, you see it everywhere.

And when you change how you see yourself now, you can see that in fact that change didn’t happen all at once, not at all, in fact it was a series of improvements that slowly moved you towards this moment of clarity, this moment that is right now, when you realized that you were different than you’ve ever been, and now that you can see yourself clearly in all your glory, you can really love yourself in a way you never realized before.

Welcome to your new self. You can go ahead and celebrate now.


Dear Beloved,
When the shift comes, and love rearranges the molecules of your heart, and lets you know that you’re truly okay. When you’re seen in just the right way to let your guard down (that much more!), and let it ALL settle in… That for real… you’re worthy. For real… you’re the shit! For real… you make someone’s world alight and align, and all you have to do is not throw a hissy fit. And even THEN they love you, even when you do. That’s a moment to take a deep breath, and remember “I deserve this too.”
I release the past, the future and the present. I surrender to the moment, inside, and unpleasant. I let myself go, to the feeling inside, let it all flow. There’s nothing to hide. I face it dead on. I love myself through. No matter what patterns of the past, and fear try to do. I love myself fiercely and truthfully too. I follow my path, and my heart, and my feet… How about you?
What changes must happen? For your life to align… if the vision I’ve set seems so different than thine? The words that we speak, they don’t come from here, they come from the collective, OUR words, if I dare.
Our culture is growing, our community strong. We stand undivided over rivers, lakes, and songs. We unite our proud voices, giving rise to the shift. Not longer content with the cultural drift. We’ve all seen it happen, sometimes through misery, or surrounded by song, another Awakens, and starts singing along. It’s changing faster now, and those of us who, have been here a while, well we have more work to do! To button our hats, and show them the way. How to a live amidst chaos, with bliss inside…. everyday.
As Chiron squares Venus, the stars are aligned. To see the truth of your hurts, the scars in your mind. Our mind telling us lies, makes for pain in our hearts. Now let go of those moments.. just as quick as it starts. (These moments of pain, coming up to bite you in the ass when you’re right on the edge. You might want to curse them… but then you remember instead..) You’ve got years of history turning stardust into mystery, pain in to pleasure, and hurtful words into love’s unending refrain. These moments no different. Just do the same.
You came here with reason, to create something new, something way beyond what you knew how to do. You came here to become a master. A great beautiful disaster. Turned into a masterpiece in community, a group of people who will set your heart free.. A master.. a master… a great beautiful disaster… And the longer you put it into the future, the longer it’s going to take for you to realize that you were BORN a master. Born a god and goddess, born love incarnate, and you’ve simply forgotten along the way. You’re already, in so many ways.. a master. Not by changing a single thing about you, but by simply turning your attention, (In that special way that only you do) Just by simply turning your attention, moment by moment towards love that’s true. You deserve it Beloved. Will you claim it for you?
I do.
Love JoyGasm

Dear Beloved,
In space and time, you might feel like you are failing, slow, behind, or sucking in some way.
And if you’re giving power to that, we recognize that it’s real FOR YOU in your experience.
But try on our way of looking at it.
You’re always in the perfect space, so if you happened to get your face smashed in,
it’s so that 4 years from now you get to be the life of the party,
telling the story of how you made it through, and got to be the hero of the day.
Yes. It’s a bit twisted, but when you look at it our way,
atleast it has a silver lining. Bwahahaha
Love JoyGasm