Dear Mama, Seeeeee… We told you it could, would, will, is happened. Being in love is the spark of life, and when you live from there, it’s only a matter of time before everything and way more is arrived. So enjoy the ride already. #eh

Dear Mama, Your fear is a marker that more LOVE is needed, that more trust shall bloom, and that you are in the right place. Be present, be patient, be calm, and all good things will come to you. #eh

Dear Mama, you came in many shapes and faces and I recognize you in all of them. Each soul come to give me exactly the perfect gift at the perfect moment. And I am so blessed to have you in my life in so many fantastic ways. #eh

Dear Mama, You have already created the life of your dreams… Once, twice, a dozen times. So know, that at any point, you can step it up a knotch.  It helps a bunch when you look around and realize you’ve already got it going on. #eh

Dear Mama, Look. Things are totally different. You are happy, well adjusted and loveable. You love, have money, welcome support and play huge. You are really really different and we acknowledge that. #eh

Dear Mama, In order to really share, you need to get out of the habit of hiding, and realize they already see you, and already love you. We’re looking forward to seeing what you look like when you rally shine. #eh

Dear Mama, Today, I celebrated you. Though you are not here in my physical space, I can feel you, taste you, breathe you into my soul and my experience. I love you more than words can tell, and I am so in eager anticipation of your heart, mouth and soul pressed into mine. #eh

Dear Mama, Your persistence in happiness despite, through, and because of circumstances inspires me to be a better, more joyful person. Your love lifts me higher and shows me what is possible. I Love You. #eh

Dear Mama, We are so freaking proud of you. You know that things are about to/already have changed in a huge way. Right? OMG watch out Baby! #eh

Dear Mama, You’ve been hiding out for so long. Imagine what might happen when you bring the FULL you to the table and TRY…#eh

Dear Mama, You know the power that comes with a strong decision. In choosing your divine path, in facing the fear and judgement and choosing LOVE.  You create space for yourself to grow into being the woman you desire to become. #eh

Dear Mama, Finding the courage to remain calm, centered and loving, even when you are spinning in Mad Circles a million miles an hour. Trust, that when it comes to that moment of “are we going to hit the wall” that you will straighten the wheel and findcenter and pull out true. #eh

Dear Mama, You believe in me, feel me and know me to be true, I am moving towards you like a freight train, we will of course meet again soon, and it will be LOVE. Our flames burning bright together my love. It is our birth right on our sacred path. #eh

Dear Mama, Third times the charm. You know what you want, and it is close enough you can almost taste it. So open to love, love your life and let it IN. #eh

Dear Mama, Today, seeing you stand in your power, taking the stage and making a stand for your dreams. When you shine, you shine BRIGHT dearest and we want more of your hot love and emotion. #eh