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Secretly Wondering ifYou are Meant to Be Here?

We love women who:

  • Love yoga and breathwork. 
  • Have been teaching others about their favorite healing modalities
  • Have a loving and supportive partner who believes in you
  • Are curious about tantra and ecstatic states of being
  • Know “energy” is a real thing, and use it in their lives
  • Have a love of herbs, homeopathic and essential oils.
  • Are on a consciousness journey
  • Have already had a pain free or hypnobirthing experience, and know there is another level to explore

We Believe Birth is a sacred right of passage, designed to bring a woman fully into her divine power. 

How we birth is how we live our lives afterwards.  So naturally setting women and babies up for wonderful births will change how our next generation lives.  A courageous act of choice changes the course of your life as a mother, and also the potential of your children.

Peacefully birthed babies are calm, happy, contented and confident adults.  Pleasurably birthing mothers are on-fire for the possibility of pleasure in all areas of their life.  You are the kind of woman who helps others find the strength to find their way through birth.  

Birth is psychedelic, spiritual, and an incredible life changing moment. How you birth your baby changes the entire course of your mothering journey.